Full name The topic
1. Бердов Олександр Олександрович Production of the preparation of recombinant human interleukin-7 in nasal spray dosage fоrm
2. Boliachevets Olena Production of lincomycin hydrochloride for injection
3. Vasylieva А. Production of substance of recombinant human interleukin-7 for non-sterile dosage forms
4. Krasnokutska Svitlana Production of cefazolin substance in bulk
5. Litash Anna Production of interferon nasal
6. Pavlenko Маriia Production of synbioticLactiale in capsules
7. Решетіло Іван Максимович Production of recombinant insulin in cartridges
8. Snikhivska Margarita Production of Сeftriaxone in bottles
9. Trembovetska Anastasiya Production of dry Lactobacterin
10. Turaieva Halyna Production of insulin for injection in bottles